Monday, January 14, 2013

Off the Sticks

My fingerless mitts are done!

Just in time for today's 55 degree weather

Go figure.

RGIII mini-me hat


My latest design
Get one here
or a pattern to knit your own here

Finished any awesome knitting projects lately?
Share them below!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Focusing on the good things

For 2013, we're trying to focus more on the quality of life
rather than quantity.


We came up with the "Good Things" jar.

The idea is to write down a particular event that occurred that was
a "good thing"
and place it in the jar.

Something that made us smile
or feel good.
Something that enriched our lives
and made them better.
Something worth remembering
no matter how small.

You get the idea.

On New Year's Eve 2013
we will open the jar, read, and remember
all the good things that happened to us
over the course of 2013.

Could that be one in there already?

Wishing you a full jar of Good Things for 2013!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Winter Garden

Even with weather like this....

and this.....

I just added these...

to the crock pot along with a pork roast

Fresh, just-picked-from-the-ground veggies

A greenhouse in January.....

so worth it.